Rewards for Online students who have paid Rs. 4500/-.
You give us two references and we will give you back Rs. 3000/- in your account after tax deductions and processing charges deductions.And in the same manner your references will also get Rs 3000/- after they have given two paid references. This is for every online student. This reward is applicable only if you give your two references within 60 days from the date of your joining as online student.This reward is applicable upto 31st of December 2017.
Money will be returned only to the people having an account in India.
Your Online teacher will conduct your test on telephone
Recommendation Fee …. If you are an online student and you recommend some other student direct through your id to join the website lessons then you get Rs. 1000/- per student as recommdation fee. If you recommed two students direct through your id you get Rs. 2000/- as recommendation fee. This way you get Rs. 1000/- for every student. If you like the video lessons taught by Vijay Bhaskar then you must recommend to others to spread the knowledge in the society.
Rewards for DVD Students :
Rewards for DVD students who have paid Rs. 15000/-.
These DVD’s can be absolutely Free for you if you give us two paid references and we will give you back Rs. 15000/-(Rupees Fifteen thousand only) in your account only after your two references have paid. This is for every DVD student. This reward is applicable only if you give your two references within 60 days from the date of your Purchasing DVDs.
This reward is applicable upto 31st of December 2017